Welcome & Announcements Greg Williams
Songs of Praise Alicia Oliver & Matthew Seth/Congregation
Affirmation: Psalms 34:8-10
Call to Prayer Alicia Oliver & Matthew Seth/Congregation
We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise
Worship in Prayer Greg Williams
Worship in Giving Lisa Jennings
GCC Ministries – Evangelism
Offertory Apison Ensemble
#86, Great is Thy Faithfulness
Children’s Feature Bern LaLone
Lamb’s Offering is for student financial aid
Scripture Reading Cora Wagner
1 John 5:14
Special Music Apison Ensemble
#319, Onward Christian Soldiers
Sermon Pastor Ryan
Secrets of Answered Prayer
Closing Hymn Alicia Oliver & Matthew Seth/Congregation
#487, In the Garden
Benediction Pastor Ryan
Pianist: Jeanie Hair Assistant Ensemble Director: Clyde Runyon
Resource Elder: Tyler Segarra

The celebration of the Sabbath ends today at 7:48 p.m.
and begins again next Friday at 7:39 p.m.

Upcoming Events

September 28 (Today) Early Morning Prayer Vigil 5-9 a.m.
Sabbath 28 (Today) Church Fellowship Meal
September 29 (Sunday) Men’s Support Group 7 p.m. Meeting at the
Apison Behavioral Health Center.
October 1 (Tuesday) Group Bible Study 10 a.m.
October 2 (Wednesday) Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. Join us in studying 1 Peter.
October 2 (Wednesday) Pathfinder Meeting 6 p.m.
October 3 (Thursday) Men’s Study Group 7 p.m. Meeting upstairs.
October 4-27 Prophecies Decoded: Prophecy Seminar 5:30 p.m. This
powerful seminar delves deep into the mysteries of the Bible, unlocking
the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation - using the Bible itself as the key!
Invite a friend! Go to theprophecyseminar.org/Apison for more details.
October 16 and/or 18 (Wednesday, Friday) Women’s Ministry Canning
Events If you are a resident of Bradley County, please come join us for
canning. See the sign-up sheets in the lobby for more information. Spaces are limited!
October 20 (Sunday) Fall Festival 3-6 p.m. Join us for our annual Fall
Festival! Bring your friends, family, and festive spirit for a day filled with live
music, exotic animals, delicious treats, and community fun!
October 27 (Sunday) Women’s Ministry Gift-in-a-Jar 4-6 p.m. Ladies please
see the sign-up sheet in the church lobby for more details.
October 31 (Sunday) Reformation Day Event
Church Office Hours: Tue. 8:15 AM – 3 PM, Wed. 8:15 AM – 3 PM,
Thur. 8:15 – 11 AM, Fri. 8:15 AM – 12 PM
Pastor Jason’s Day Off: Monday

Volunteer for the Fall Festival Lizette is looking for help with our annual fall festival. If you would like to help with stage set up, electrical set up crew or take
down and clean up please or help provide decorations such as mums, cornstalks, and pumpkins please contact (423) 667-7921.

Meal Train for the Ericksons Please help in preparing meals for the Ericksons as Sharon has recently been released from the Life Care Center. Go to mealtrain.com/gdnw5l to sign up now.

Prison Ministry Testimony: “I enjoy this study about having faith to accept Jesus Is My Savior. I know he has forgiven me,” Alex.

Finance update

Thank you for your faithful support of our church. Tithe (10% of income) is passed along to our conference and is used to pay our ministers and support our worldwide church. Our offerings are in addition to our tithe.
Contributing to our church budget supports our activities at Apison along with paying for essential expenses such as utilities and supplies. Prayerfully consider making regular contributions to our local church budget as well as the student financial aid account. Both are at a deficit for this quarter. We know that God will bless us this year!

Monthly Church Budget: $19,333
Received Thru 9/21/2024: $8,703
Year To Date Budgeted: $174,000
Year To Date Received: $139,160