
Apison Announcements! - Bulletin, Upcoming Events & Reminders

June 29

Weekend Update

Dear Church Family,

It is great to be back home! There's no place like home :)

Anna and I enjoyed a whirlwind of a trip visiting Reformation sites across the European continent with a group of pastors and teachers of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference. Here is a picture of us enjoying a Sabbath visit to the Waldensian valleys with the College of the Barbs in the background.
rom this humble location the Waldenses sent missionaries out to many of the surrounding nations of Europe. Mothers taught children how to memorize Scripture. Boys and girls committed large portions of Scripture to memory. And fathers often gave their lives in sharing the Scripture on missionary journeys. Their entire community was focused on spreading the Word! Their motto was "Into Darkness, Light." We are also living in a time of darkness, let us allow Him to shine through us!

VBS has been awesome this week!
I am so grateful for Pastor Ryan and his entire team. What a HUGE effort for our kids! Did you know that over half of the kids who attended our Vacation Bible School do not attend our church or school!? This is a real evangelistic opportunity.

In fact, today while VBS was happening a person driving by stopped and asked for information about what Adventists believe! We hope to have several non-Adventist guests with us tomorrow as we cap off a successful week of Vacation Bible School and celebrate communion together.

12 Weeks of Wisdom will be modified this week. I will send out a devotional on Ecclesiastes 8 for our Weekly Wednesday Video. But instead of meeting at the church, we will meet this Wednesday 7pm at the Imagination Station in Collegedale, TN. We have 500 frisbees left to pass out together to the crowds gathered for the 4th of July celebrations. Look for Pastor Ryan and myself with our Apison shirts and bags of Frisbees. See you Wednesday, July 3rd, 7pm at the Imagination Station.

I look forward to celebrating communion with you tomorrow,

Pastor Jason

Week At A Glance

June 29 (Sabbath) Communion

June 29 (Sabbath) Guess Who’s Coming to Lunch

June 30 (Sunday) LCA Work Bee Our school needs help running wires for

technology updates. Please contact Eric Schoonard if you can help.

June 30 (Sunday) Ladies Vegetable Garden Tour 4-6 p.m. To attend this

Women’s Ministry event, please sign up in the lobby!

June 30 (Sunday) Men's Prayer Group 7 p.m. Apison Behavioral Health.

July 1 (Monday) Widow’s Mite Luncheon 12 p.m.

July 2 (Tuesday) Group Bible Study 10 a.m.

July 3 (Wednesday) 12 Weeks of Wisdom 6:30-8 p.m. Join us in the

fellowship hall for food, intergenerational fun, Bible study and games.

July 5 (Friday) Missionary Vespers 6 p.m.

What's Coming Up & Announcements

July 7 (Sunday) Bill Wilson's Memorial Service 3 p.m. Join us at the Collegedale Church to remember Bill Wilson and comfort the family. Family visitation will be from 2-3 p.m.

July 9 (Tuesday) Finance Committee Meeting 5 p.m.

July 9 (Tuesday) Executive Committee Meeting 7 p.m.

July 20 (Sabbath) Early Morning Prayer and Praise Vigil 5-9 a.m.

July 20 (Sabbath) Church Picnic

July 26 (Friday) Religious Liberty Emphasis 6 p.m.

July 28 LCA Work Bee This will be a general work bee for cleaning and small repairs in and around the school.

Prayer Request

Please remember these individuals and situations in your prayers this upcoming week!

  • Beth Scott's granddaughter, Emma who is undergoing surgery
  • Ellen Purple recovering from hip replacement
  • Lonnie Heath in the loss of her husband, Harold
  • Carolyn Springer's surgery recovery
  • Recovery for Rob Raney after stroke
  • Malcolm Seheult fighting brain cancer
  • Mona Karst's healing of arm and shoulder injuries
  • If you would like to send Mona something while she is having treatments in Minnesota you can send it to the address below.
  • The Teachers and students at LCA. 
  • Our church's Pathfinder and Adventurer clubs.


Photos & Videos
If you are leading out or attending an event with Apison Church please take photos/videos and send them to Celeste (contact info at the end of this email) so we can add them to social media and weekly newsletters.
Thank you to those who have sent in photos! We greatly appreciate it!

Church Directory Updates
If you have updated information or a photo you would like to share for the directory, please login to our online directory send your updated information or photo.

Photo Update

If you would like to see photos of what is happening at Apison, follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Click the icons below to start following now!
Celeste Rogers
Communications Secretary

Please text/call (616) 990-1537 or email if you need anything.
(616) 990-1537