Men's Ministry Survey

Step Up and Make a Difference
You have a role to play in missions and ministry. Whether you’re 18 or 80 or somewhere in between, God has a purpose for you. Here’s how you can get involved:
  • Take Action: Step into real mission work and make an impact in your community and beyond.
  • Discover Your Calling: Find out what God is leading you to do and develop your personal ministry.
  • Stay in the Know: Learn about mission opportunities and how you can be a part of something bigger.
  • Pray and Give: Your prayers and support can change lives—near and far.
  • Grow in Faith: Strengthen every area of your life and become the man God created you to be.
This is your chance to step up. Get involved. Make a difference. Live out your faith.
We want to help you take the next step.
Please take a few moments to complete the survey below. It will help us understand how you want to get involved and how we can support you on this journey.
Your voice matters. Let us know how we can equip and encourage you in missions and ministry!

Thank you very much for completing the survey.